Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jackass wannabees??

It occurred to me today that Lex and Terry are no more than Jackass wannabees!

Case in point: The following video from a Lex and Terry show. The clip is intitled "Bouncy House Barf Off"

Now tell me that doesn't sound like something that Jackass would do. Oh is something they did! Next thing you know you'll hear Terry saying "oh those guys from Jackass saw us do our barf off stunt and copied us." The hell with that. You copied them. I guess this would make Taint the resident Steve-O. Good luck with that one Taint.

Granted...some of the skits the guys come up with are original...but most are not. Actually I think it is you, Lex and Terry, that are copying people.

Before you do another "new" skit make sure you check out youtube. Some teenager has probably already beat you to the idea.


  1. Well maybe it could be they like the JackAss shows like many men do. I think Jackass is funny don't you?

  2. Yes jackass is funny. However, a lot
    of their bits are ripoffs from others. I agree with A1C,
    Lex and Terry do suck. They are trying to get them taken off the air
    here in Gainesville,FL. One can only hope. All haters please request that they
    be removed. Let's start a movement to get rid of lex an terry. And yes I have listened. So don't comment with the typical
    listener answer of "give em 2 weeks" or the old faithful "change the channel"
